Countdown to Halloween
Earlier this summer, the lovely local gas company went around the ~entire~ neighborhood replacing gas valves or something. Just about every yard on my side of the street got dug up. On the plus side - they really didn't mess around. 2 days and they were done.
Did they really think a couple road cones would keep us away?
This fresh-grave wanna be is about 5 feet deep.
But... where did they put the dirt they dug up????

I came home from work the next day to find this.
NOW there is a pile of dirt - on the other side of the Bobcat (which was locked - dammit).
Of course Chuck had to play on stuff.


Mmmm worms.

Nope. Nobody in there!

I was impressed with how clean they got the yard when they were done.
My main issue was the large patch of toasty grass up near the house where they must have let the Bobcat idle for a long time. And the tire tracks.

But... where did they put the dirt they dug up????

NOW there is a pile of dirt - on the other side of the Bobcat (which was locked - dammit).
Of course Chuck had to play on stuff.


Nope. Nobody in there!

I was impressed with how clean they got the yard when they were done.
They came in soon after & seeded. So as of right now, the grass has filled in nicely.
I should have filled the tracks with dirt before they seeded.
Unlike back in 2013 when they came by after I'd already set up.
I raced home from work & asked if they needed me to move anything out of the way, they asked if I could move a headstone over to that area! But I did one better & made a new stone, specifically for that area.

Good job! And Chuck sure looked like he had fun ;)