Wow, today's been quite the day, hasn't it been?
It's like the country is being shut down!
I'm just going to sit back and see how this all pans out.
Anyhoo. I was on my way home from my sister's house last weekend and saw this little guy on the side of the road. Thought for a minute, then went around the block to go get him.
It's nice & solid and with a new skeletal paint job, he'll look great in the cemetery.
Or maybe he'll go in the house for the grandson to play on!
I don't usually get political on my blogs because of many reasons, but you have to admit...this is hilarious!
btw, I have no idea who Vijaya is, but I occasionally get texts for her.

I was out to dinner with my Mom & sister when I got the initial text and we were dying laughing when I sent the picture of Chuck!
I think I need a shirt made.
Since I just got handed a baby, I'm going to sign off with this adorableness!