2012 Indoor.....
Miss Angela's antique photo
Miss Angela's antique photo
I didn't realize I had that many spiders!
Jack & Maddie are interested.
Jack & Maddie are interested.
Miss Angela is never thrilled with the rats in the bathroom!
Mini - Cemetery
Also a new addition in 2012 - Miss Maddie!
Added casters on the bottom of the toe-pincher for ease of moving & storing.
My first 2 "real" headstones (as in not-plywood).
Bobert & Billiam are new this year.
Walter & Matilda
cheap Bluckies with PVC frames
The pumpkin-pooping ghost is new.
The Dapper Mr. Bobert & Mr. Billiam
Terrance & Phillip
They were joined later by Ike.
All the skellies fit nicely in the toe-pincher!
These I won on ebay - and of course showed up AFTER Halloween! Look for them in 2013!!
It's neat to go back and see how the Maple Grove Cemetery has grown and improved.
The gas company dug up part of my yard in the early stages of set up. Miss Angela called me at work, freaked out because someone was knocking at the door. I hurried home from work and asked if I need to move anything out of their way They said no, but asked when they were done if I would move one of the stones over to that spot, since it looked like a grave. I did one better and made a special stone for it!
And they graciously waited til after I took everything down to come and put seed & straw down over that spot.
I finally got my fence! 4 rolls of 15'x2' garden worked excellent!
I was so happy how it looked with little effort.
My gift from Secret Reaper #1.
My gift from Secret Reaper #2 (with Jayne). His name is Hugh.
I'm starting to get the lights how I dream of! That blue is IT !!
Moving indoors out of the rain.....
I rounded up all the Yankee Candle Boney Bunch pieces and displayed them together.
The mini cemetery is expanding!
It's neat to go back and see how the Maple Grove Cemetery has grown and improved.
The gas company dug up part of my yard in the early stages of set up. Miss Angela called me at work, freaked out because someone was knocking at the door. I hurried home from work and asked if I need to move anything out of their way They said no, but asked when they were done if I would move one of the stones over to that spot, since it looked like a grave. I did one better and made a special stone for it!
And they graciously waited til after I took everything down to come and put seed & straw down over that spot.
I finally got my fence! 4 rolls of 15'x2' garden worked excellent!
I was so happy how it looked with little effort.
My gift from Secret Reaper #1.
My gift from Secret Reaper #2 (with Jayne). His name is Hugh.
I'm starting to get the lights how I dream of! That blue is IT !!
Moving indoors out of the rain.....
I rounded up all the Yankee Candle Boney Bunch pieces and displayed them together.
The mini cemetery is expanding!
And the best I did on the 11/1 sales was get 2 of the Walgreen Pose & Stays for half price.