Welcome to the Maple Grove Cemetery Cast of Characters!
For the 10th Anniversary, I decided to have my skeleton army go trick-or-treating!
Gordie the Greeter

His & Hers
Lola the Mourner (and her margarita)
Just before taking this picture - I'd painted the years under the license plates on the Fortiac stone. And then it proceeded to downpour for a short time.
So the paint pen got washed away.
ZipTie the ghost horse & George the monkey
Bettina & her weenie dog
The Huntress & the Pirate
Batman & Cat girl
The mini Ghoul
The Pumpkin Sprout
The Army Tot
Penguin & JOL
The Bopsie Twins
Brad & Janet (altho Brad is overdressed!)
Ethel the Witch & Dorothy the Vampire (and their cats!)
This may be Ethel's last year - both her hands broke off & she's currently sitting there with only one leg & arm attached. The others keep falling off!
Frank the Bear & DucTape the Fairy Pony
Buzz the Vulture
Fanny the Fabulous Flamingo
The Beagle pack & Boney FooFoo

From the road
And now for tomorrow's weather report?
I could do without the "few showers" for Friday, since that's tear-down day.
But it's looking decent for the main event!
Countdown to Halloween
Awesome. Love the names of each character and creative!