October 28, 2021

Day 28, Tillson Street continued, part 2

 OK, for some reason these loaded backwards!  Oh well. 
This is the dentist office at the end of Tillson Street - directly across from the Dairy Queen.
The license plate on the hearse is W8N4U and apparently the Spouse's geek-ness has rubbed off on me, since the first time I saw that I thought for a second it was a ham radio call sign. 
When I drove thru the neighorhodd in late September (they don't start setting up until October 1) the only thing I saw was this skeleton (without the political banner)
This is one of my favorite houses.  In the past they've done a hockey rink with a real Zamboni and boards, etc.  This is really cool, too.  The next 9 pics go with it. 
It's hard to see in daylight, but in the upper right window, there's a mannequin wearing bikini bottoms and tassles.  As we walked (shuffled slowly I mean) thru with the family, some younger teenaged boys were pointing and asking me what that was.  I'm sure they were trying to be funny, but I told them if they didn't know what boobs were, then they needed to go have a birds & bees chat with their parents, not a total stranger. 
There are all local football teams. 
The giant mask is neat.
This house must be sold now - the Century 21 sign is gone. 
The only house that's made no effort.  Booo

That's it, I promise no more Tillson St!


  1. I love them all - some people put SO much work into it all, it makes me feel bad that I complain about one of my few tombstones continuing to fall over! LOL

    🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃

  2. Wow - Tillson Street is pretty cool. Love the haunted hotel theme. Some amazing antiques in there.


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