October 06, 2014

C2H - 25 days Quick Update

Things are moving right along at the Maple Grove Cemetery  / Manor.  
Well, the cemetery anyway.  

I figured out a set up where the blowmolds are isolated in "the Mosh Pit" on one side of the driveway where their light won't drown out the cemetery.  

The cemetery is in the main part of the yard.  I have the fence up, all but 4 works-in-progress headstones, a couple smaller details like long grass tufts and a couple ghosts.  The coffin is sitting out on the patio behind the house.  I use it as storage, and was in the process of emptying it yesterday when my mom called and asked the Hubby to look at her computer.  And since I've been a lousy daughter and haven't been over to visit in a while - I went, too.  The coffin wasn't going anywhere! 

Back on September 5, I decided to go online to the Spirit Halloween website and use a coupon that I had.  Did you know that I had a hard time finding anything I even wanted to buy from them??  I don't do blood & gore & babies & clowns & such and that's mostly what they carry anymore!  I found a small battery-op black light and a 14 inch winged skeleton.  The light shipped right away but I started getting emails that the skeleton would ship on 9/23.  Then 10/5.  Then 10/15.  Then it said it was out of stock.  So last Thursday I emailed Spirit and asked about it.  They replied on Friday saying they reviewed my order and it would ship on or before 10/7.  But lo & behold on Saturday, I got an email that it shipped and would deliver on or before 9/10 - the same date the light was delivered on!  WTF, people!!  I wasn't impressed with their in-store selection, either. 

On the plus side....I decided I needed a 4 foot skeleton.  Most places carry 5 foot and 3 foot.  I've ordered from the skeleton-factory in the past and didn't have any trouble.  So I looked and they had one on sale!!  So I ordered the 4 foot "Paul 2" and the 2 foot "Frugal Fernando" last Friday morning.  Saturday Miss Angela and I were out running some errands and when we got home, there was a box on the porch - my Paul 2 had arrived!  Granted it just came from Illinois, but I was extremely impressed.  I still need my Fernando, but I'm not worried about it yet. 

Paul is also Chester-approved!  

I also placed an order from the Davis Graveyard etsy shop for some headstone accents.  3 of the 4 stones that I haven't finished yet are going to be fancied up with these.  I basically took 3 of my plywood stones and glued a sheet of pink insulating foam to them.  I did that, then had no idea what else to do - they were going to be experimental anyway since I've never done any carving with foam before.  So I have some neat embellishments and I'll figure out something for them to say before painting.

Next to do....Put the new sign out.  Lights.  Coffin.  Skeletons.  
And everything in the Manor!


  1. Sounds like a typical Haunter's October of running around with your head cut off! I got embellishment from Davis graveyard and I am very pleased but still have to finish the 7 tombstones that lay waiting in the garage. Good luck - hope everything looks great by Halloween.

    1. Same to you!! I can't wait to get my goodies from DG !! Now I just need it to be warm enough for me to be able to glue & paint - these 50* days aren't going to cut it!


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