October 31, 2014



Thank you for following me on this journey also known as the Countdown to Halloween! 

Hope everything has gone smoothly for you...all your projects have been completed and nothing decided to break down and the weather is cooperating!

October 30, 2014

C2H - 1 day!!! Inside the Maple Grove Manor

Squeeeee, can you believe it???  TOMORROW !!!

First, let's take a look at the weather report & grumble about it....this is obviously from last night, since that's when I put this post together!
 Crap, crap, crap!  I don't like that "S" word!!

Token JOL pic
 I love these guys - I got them at Bordine's Nursery, of all places!  
 I seem to be accumulating a bunch of skulls.  
There's also a Crystal Skull Vodka bottle in the kitchen. 

 I have well over 100 nutcrackers out at Christmas, so why not Halloween, too??
(and Easter & St. Patrick's...)

 All my dancing girls (including the one on the wall!)

 I love this porcelain skeleton - it weighs a ton so it gets to chill in the doll bed next to Mr. Clean. 

 The ceme-terraium

 And of course, Chester
 and Maddie!

October 29, 2014

C2H - 2 days More tunes!

I'm not big into Disney, like at all (don't throw things at me!!)  but even I can appreciate this video!

October 28, 2014

C2H - 3 days Tillson Street 2014

I know it's supposed to be Cemetery Tuesday, but I had to go check out Tillson Street during daylight hours yesterday (going back tonight after dark with the crazy family) and want to share the wonderful fun goodness that is Tillson Street.

I've posted about this each of the last several Countdowns to Halloween, so I try to find different things to take pics of.  Most of the displays are somewhat similar every year, but some are totally different.  There was a Nightmare Before Christmas house last year,  and this year not. Actually I'm pretty sure that house was up for sale (how could anyone leave this street???)

I parked my car one street over and Jack and I walked down Pleasant St, around the corner to Tillson, up one side, down the other, and then back up the opposite side of Pleasant.  Let's tour, shall we?

This guy with a deer skull for a head. 

I love the portrait on this stone!  I'll keep this in mind for future reference.

 Sitting inside the hearse.
 The various photo ops are all new this year.

 This is one that's up for sale!
 This house has a bunch of inflatables and they were just filling up as we approached - Jack really checked them out!

 That vulture - LOVE !!!!
 This baby's face in the stroller is creepy beyond belief!

 Several new vehicles this year, too.  I like the dump truck!

 They changed out the usual scarecrows for slendermen!

 This house usually has a masquerade ball, this time it was something like Death Idol Auditions.
 The queen and her bodyguards.  She's been pneumatically raised up in the past.

These girls are new. 
Pirate ship #1

Pirate ship #2

Yeah, We will skip past the clowns. 

It'll probably be a madhouse when we go tonight.  I got there around 5:30 last night and when we left around 6:15, it was starting to fill up then!  Lots of people were bringing their little kids out before dark.