Yay! It's time for my annual very pic-heavy Tillson Street post!
As a refresher, Tillson Street is located in Romeo, MI. Easily 95% of the houses on this street go over the top with their Halloween decorations. On 10/31 the local football team volunteers for crowd control, that's how insane it is. There is a website called Terror on Tillson that tells all about it, how it got started and such.
As usual, I parked one street over, on Pleasant St and walked up one side and down the other with my trusty canine side-kick, Jack. Then we went around the block to Tillson and did the same. Pleasant has much fewer houses done up, but I still enjoy looking at those that are.
Some of these had such elaborate, busy displays that I had to take more than one picture to get it all in.
I love all their JOLs!
I should also mention that there are a lot of beautiful historical-era houses in this neighborhood, too.
One of only 2 horses on this visit.
Loved seeing it up close. Home Depot better bring them back next year.
The ideas are rolling thru my cranium!
I just love this house - the historical marker plate says 1870 on it.
"Waiting for Mr. Right"
This one cracks me up - love the skelly on the roof!
...and the eyeballs!
Body parts hanging from the tree.
The bad part about un-inflated inflatables is you have no clue as to what they could be.
But probably JOLs here.
This is so "Better Homes & Gardens" with their mums & pumpkins.
Rounding the corner onto Tillson St., there is a Dairy Queen that has a walk-thru tent filled with animatronics & fun stuff. Here's Jack ignoring the screeching cat & leaping spider. Once his Beagle nose is on the scent, he's hard to un-focus.
Harry Potter is different.
Their scarecrows are always pretty awesome.
Love the chandelier, too!
My masquerade ball is nothing compared to this!
This is one I have to wonder where do they store all those figures & the columns?
This is all that was up in this house, but it works.
Campaign signs aren't very good Halloween material.
I love that they have a Wizard of Oz theme this year.
They never did that before.
This is the house I wrote about here...this is why he can't sell the damn place!
He told me that the clowns came with it. And there's more than last year, too.
Um no. Pass!
...now we cross the street and hit the other side....
I was sad to see this. This house usually has a horse-drawn hearse (I was hoping to see a horse skeleton here), an actual vehicular hearse, an elaborate fence & beautiful cemetery, as well as a skeleton band on the porch. I hope everyone is OK!
The cannon in the upper left turret actually works.
Their football player is new.
This is my FAVORITE display out of them all!
I assume Prince Charming back there goes with the bridal salon, but he appears to be more interested in the hockey game!
The goalie appears to have a problem!
LOL - a blind ref!
LOL! Hockey mom got taken out by security!
This is sweet!
It's pretty bad-ass to have a real Zamboni in your Halloween display!
Die-hard Lions fans
This is always such a fun place to visit!
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