I don't usually dress my Beagle up. He was a wardrobe of bandannas that he wears, but other than that he prefers to be naked.
On the other end of the spectrum is Ron. Ron is one of the old-timer truck drivers at my work. Ron's wife has entirely too much time on her hands while he's out on the road.
I have a file of pictures of their dogs, dating back to 2005. And I could count on one hand the number of pictures he's brought in for us where the dogs aren't wearing something.
Then last Christmas, Mrs. Ron ordered the wrong size Santa costume for their golden retrievers. (she used to make them by hand, but since she's getting up in years she now gets them from the Interwebz) so he brought them into work for whoever might want them. I thought it would be funny to take one and try it on Jack.
I laughingly showed Ron the picture of Santa Jack and that created a monster!
We now have an elf costume and most recently.....
a UPS man.
Ron's goldens are clearly happy (or brain damaged).
Jack......not so much.
(he's looking at one of the cats here.
When I leaned over to peek under the bill of the hat,
he didn't move his head, but gave me some serious side-eye!)
He did perk up when he got some treats!
I didn't leave it on him long.
It actually took longer to assemble that damn box!
I'm glad he's a good boy and tolerates this for a while,
but I'm sure he's happy I don't do this often!
"I don't usually dress my Beagle up." That is an eye catcher scrolling through blog entries. Jack is adorable!