Happy 2016 Countdown, folks!
I got it in my head to actually advertise the cemetery a wee bit this year.
I had a couple ideas for getting at least my Facebook page out there flit thru my mind so I went to my resident good-idea man (the hubby) for his thoughts. He brought up a sign of sorts and after some brainstorming, this is what developed!
I'm quite happy with my bricks.
Paver bricks from Lowe's - about $2.50 for the three.
Approximately 6x6 inches.
Scrubbed & let dry for about 24 hours in the house.
A nice coat or two of DryLok.
Paint in the appropriate colors,
even tho I know the colors will be jacked up due to the red spotlight.
I printed out each of the logos and sketched them free-hand in pencil,
then filled in with paint.
FYI - the Twitter logo on your phone has less detail.
This project took a lot longer than I'd planned - it's been raining so it was humid as crap and they were taking forever to dry. I set a fan on them and still couldn't figure out why the Instagram brick looked like it wasn't drying....I'd used gloss gray paint! Doh!
Today ended up being pretty decent, so I sat them outside & sprayed them with a clear matte indoor / outdoor Krylon spray paint to protect the acrylics and here's how they look!
And I figured if you use that particular form of media, you'll recognize the logo. I double checked that when you go to each of the social media pages and search for Maple Grove Cemetery, you actually do find me.
great idea! They came out great.