To those who served before me, with me and after me... THANK YOU!
Here's a little "I Love Me" trip down memory lane....
March - May 1992
May - September 1992
Long enough to realize that electronics are NOT for me!

USS Canopus AS34
September 1992 - December 1994
USS Canopus Decommissioning Crew

USS Abraham Lincoln CVN72
December 1994 - April 1997
Re-enlistment happened between the rudders of the Lincoln
March 1996

Tiger Cruise (with Mom)
October 1995
F-14 Tomcat - only the coolest plane ever flown!

Naval Station Everett, Washington
April 1997 - March 2000
My ribbons & Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist wings.
On my VFW cover.

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