And I'm pretty sure they're not fazed my anything they see going on in our back yard anymore!
I was really excited to see someone post on FB that Home Depot also carries a saddle & bridle to fit their skeleton horse!
I bought it online & picked it up in the store. The lady at customer service was so cute! She was apparently expecting a saddle to weight a lot more than the 3.65 lbs that this is. I told her it was the the skeleton horse & she swore she was going to get herself 'a skeleton man' this year and dress him up in a wife-beater & boxers and drive around with him in her car. I didn't have the heart to tell her about Chuck!

So yeah - I saw the neighbor behind us looking when he came outside & I was putting the horse back together. Just went on about his business - heeehee!
I'll have to do a review on this for the Countdown to Halloween, because I am fine with the saddle, but there's clearly a reason the listing on the website looks like this.....
The bridle is a hot mess. I reviewed it & gave 2 stars.
I had an eye appointment this morning and the optometrist was on a side of town that I'm avoiding right now because of a huge mess of traffic construction. But since I was over there anyway, I thought I'd hit up Hobby Lobby, Pier One, Michael's and At Home over near there.
I didn't see anything I wanted to buy at Pier One, but I took a picture of a bejeweled skull that was really nice, so I could recreate it on one that I already have. Future project!
Then at Michaels - I'm ashamed to admit I actually paid full price for a couple things. They're not on sale yet and I could only use one coupon. And I didn't feel like making multiple purchases.
But I got my skeleton nutcracker!
I saw this in someone else's shopping trip post and liked it then.
Liked it even more in real life!
This was in the fairy garden type stuff and will go in my ceme-terrarium.
$.40 taper candles!!
Next stop was Hobby Lobby. They seriously had 486 aisles of Christmas (and I may have bought a mermaid sequin stocking for my daughter & a Navy snowman ornament for me....and was offended they carried basketball / soccer / baseball / football nutcrackers but no hockey!!)
They also had 4 full aisle of fall items, a lot of fall flowers & such, a wall of pumpkins and 1/2 an aisle with mostly empty shelves & a few Halloween things. I may have just been too early for them. So I concentrated on project items.
The bigger jar is the vertebra I found at work.
Oh wait!
I put it on FB but not here....I found 2 vertebra of some sort in the parking lot at work next to the fuel pump for the trucks.

Oh wait!
I put it on FB but not here....I found 2 vertebra of some sort in the parking lot at work next to the fuel pump for the trucks.

It's hard to say from this angle......They're bigger than what I'd assume a cat would have but probably not human-sized. So dog? But WHY?????
Here are the gems I'm going to use on my Pier One-inspired skull. They're shades of blue & green that I really like.
Spider charms (taking advantage of a 50% sale!)
Deer skull
This I thought was really cool - all the continents. Not sure what I'll do with it yet.
The last stop of the day was at At Home. I was able to ignore the Christmas stuff there and concentrate on the good stuff.
Like I need more of the 12 inch skeletons - but I haven't seen Day of the Dead before!
These glow-in-the-dark eyeballs will be a fun addition to the cemetery.
Then the last thing I'll show off - is the 2017 Halloween Edition Monster Truck from Hot Wheels! I'm not as impressed with this as I have been the last 2 years' trucks, but it's pretty neat. It's El Toro Loco and it's supposed to look like a steer skull on the hood, using the horns.
Have you found any goodies?
Not 100% but I think the Home Depot will put out Halloween next week. I know for one the boxes on the dock marked Halloween have me going crazy I just want to bust them open! We never did get the horse like some stores so maybe this year!!