September 23, 2024

It's Autumn!!!!

Chuck also celebrates Truck Driver Appreciation!
Since I've worked for a trucking company over 24 years now.

So the Spawn and I were finishing up the epitaphs on the headstones after repainting...
I turned one of the stones around and found this guy....
He was gently relocated thru the back fence into our neighbors woodpile, since honestly - I think if I heard / felt / saw that body squish I would throw up! 
The Grandson and I went to the store one day and he asked me about listening to Halloween songs!  XM doesn't have the Halloween stations going yet, but I thought that it was funny that this song had just started, tho!

I apparently don't have pics, but I got the pieces cut out & painted to make the floodlight blinders - I don't know what else to call them!  This is my inspiration pic that I took while exploring Tillson St last year. 
Mine are pretty similar (I'm making 3) except the side pieces are the same size and will be put together with a V shaped top piece. 

I also got the headstone cut out & sealed for the Spouse's car that was in an accident this summer. 
It took a few sketches, but we finally settled on a shape that he liked.   I'll have that done probably today, weather permitting. 

Yesterday was Exhumation Day!
We dug the skeletons out of the back of the garage.  
So now this is what the patio looks like. 
We dodged raindrops putting stuff back into the garage, but the big guys are out! 
And we remembered that all the little skeletons were tossed in boxes with the cows. 
These are the ducklings, squirrels, a random turtle, bats, a piglet, puppy & kitten.
Oh, and an iguana.  And a piranha.  How did I end up with 2 owls? 

I'll have to do a full inventory just to see what I actually have. 

On the agenda for this week is taking the grandkids to the apple orchard Wednesday with their daycare classes because the Spawn, aka their mom, has to work at said daycare and they'd rather go with me than one of their teachers.  Then we need to get the blowmolds out, cleaned up and lights checked out (which I hate doing!!) and the critter skeletons out of the shed.

I feel behind already so do I really want to wait until this weekend to start setting up??

And just for fun, let's check the weather!
Of course this will change 783 times before Halloween actually gets here....

That looks to be pretty close to perfect!  Fingers crossed it stays that way!
But since we're in Michigan - we'll probably have a blizzard.  

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