July 27, 2023

HalloweenCostumes.com skeleton

I missed the big milestone again!  96 days doesn't sound the same as 100 or 99.  

But oh well!

Still no major happenings going on.  I haven't touched the headstone popper guy at all. I'm a weenie when it comes to being outside and it's been too darn hot!  

However..... we have a new friend!  

I ordered the 74" skeleton from HalloweenCostumes.com for what I thought was a fairly reasonable $60.
So let's unbox him!
Chuck for scale...
And of course, the grandkids saw pictures being taken, so they joined in. 
He's been named Marvin already. 
I really like that his head turns from both side to side and up & down with a nice range of  motion.
Elbow joints are pretty standard. 
So much for keeping the box!
The ribs are formed plastic but still pretty sturdy feeling. 
I like how it's all one piece. 
I also like how they covered the screws going into the ball of the hip. 
The feet & ankles also feel pretty sturdy. 
Standard knee joints. 
He's got a decent face.  
When I saw his picture on the website, the skull looked kind of small for the rest of the body, but it's fine. 
Jaws open & close. 
Neck is solid. 
If anything, the spine looks a bit long. but I didn't expect anatomical perfection! 

So overall, I'm quite pleased with Marvin and look forward to him joining the Clan in the cemetery! 

1 comment:

  1. It's a nice looking skeleton. Like the fact that the skull is unique looking and not identical to the plethora of 5' skeletons on the market.


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