I just got back home on the 30th from a 10 day trip to Florida. The Spawn and her dance team went to Nationals (proud mom moment in 3...2...1...)
This will be a pic-heavy post since this historic cemetery in Orlando has close to 29,000 interments over 26 acres.
The City of Orlando, who owns the cemetery, offers moonlight walking tours, which would have been really neat to do.
One section has unmarked graves for the people who'd been lynched by white people (according to history professor Vibert White). The City of Orlando also offered plots to victims of the Pulse shootings in 2016.
Needless to say, I'm sure a lot of cool art got missed, since after about 2 hours in the late June heat & humidity, this northern girl was done! I still drove around for another hour or so, just looking and occasionally parking the car & getting out for more pics.
I wasn't sure how to attack such a large cemetery, so I went first for the military section. Then I found out that there were sections for both the Confederate & Union Civil War, Spanish American War, Revolutionary War and WWI & WWII and more recent.

I wonder about the relationships here.

This seemed to be the oldest part of the cemetery - Very few stones, so I bet this is where the unmarked graves are.

In memory of Letha A Miller
Born Aug 29, 193
Died Jan 10, 1906
Asleep in Jesus
Interesting script lettering
I was expecting a child, not someone 42.
This is awesome.

I love the sunrise / sunset
Sad that they lost 2 so close together.

This is a framed photo of Betty Grable, 10-12 feet up on the side of this tree.

This section was laid out in a triangle pattern instead of the orderly rows like most military headstones are.

Bee W. Kirk
Feb 9, 1913
Lost his life in the
performance of duty
Feb 20, 1943
WWII, or something else?

The only 2 zinc stones I saw.

This CSA monument was beautiful!
"'Tis wreathed around
with glory
and 'twill live in
song and story ,
though it's folds are
in the dust."
To the honored memory of
the soldiers
the sailors
the statesmen
of the Confederate Staes
of America
"Time cannot teach
when grief's full heart
is fed by fame."

"The cause for which
he suffered was lost;
The people for whom he
fought were crushed;
The hopes in which he
trusted were shattered;
but his fame, consigned to
the keeping of time, which
happily is not so much
the tomb of virtue as
its shrine.
Shall in the years to
come, fire modest worth
to noble ends."
This monument
shall stand through
the years to come
as our loving tribute
to the
Confederate soldier
ans as a memorial
of his heroic courage,
his unparalleled devotions
and his unselfish
Erected by
Annie Coleman Chapter
No. 225
United Daughters
of the Confederacy
of Orlando, Florida
A.D. 1911

Set at an interesting angle...
darn camera.

I'd never seen a horse carved on a stone before.
Apparently it means courage or generosity.

Also has horses on it.
Jewel May Lewter
May 5, 1909
The front says "Rollins-Sports Hall of Fame"

This one just seemed sad to me.
Luren Geer was Orlando's first professional photographer.
Erected by
L.H. Geer
Husband & father
to the memory of his loved ones.
Sleep precious souls
No more sorrow or pain;
but the one that is left
will be there tomorrow.
Earth has no pleasure
without you to remain
tomorrow has come,
No one to mourn - all is lost in sorrow
I am now in the bourne - I promised tomorrow.
In memory of
Mrs. R (Rosetta Hall) Geer
Wife of L.H. Geer
Died July 28, 1900
Age 70 years
A good wife and mother
and only known to be loved,
her brush work still lives.

In memory of
L.H. Geer
Died march 23, 1903
Aged 75 years
no one to mourn
no one to caress
no one to own
no life, let me rest
let me rest.


Another wood one, but without a plaque with a name.
The trees dripping in Spanish moss were magnificent!


Close up of their wedding picture - beautiful!

I look up to the sky
I look high up, so high I can fly, where to angels
can fly, where my heart can flee, where my
heart can sing, to listen to the heavens
speak, just a whisper, i can hear with me, I
can feel muy live, can breath ignore the
world a in darkness tries to tear us
apart. Hold me tight I'll catch you
when I fall, I will never let you down
i will hold ou tight so I won't lose
you in heaven's peak beacuase I'll
never let you go beause you
are all my heart c an keep
you are my angel, my darling
angel for forever to keep
written by
Jorge Gutierrez (this is on his stone)

I may or may not have walked around this very small section with tears rolling down my cheeks.

One of the prettiest stones I've ever seen!
It was enormous & just glowed in the sunlight.
This is listed in FindAGrave as Patricia LeSourd Kimsey.
Kristine & Patty Lou are listed as her daughters (as I suspected before doing any research), but no mention of who Karen might be, other than probably still alive.

Another stunning tree (thru the windshield)

I've never seen a Chinese (?) tomb before.

She was life-sized.

The stones weren't lined up very straight.

This will be a pic-heavy post since this historic cemetery in Orlando has close to 29,000 interments over 26 acres.
The City of Orlando, who owns the cemetery, offers moonlight walking tours, which would have been really neat to do.
One section has unmarked graves for the people who'd been lynched by white people (according to history professor Vibert White). The City of Orlando also offered plots to victims of the Pulse shootings in 2016.
Needless to say, I'm sure a lot of cool art got missed, since after about 2 hours in the late June heat & humidity, this northern girl was done! I still drove around for another hour or so, just looking and occasionally parking the car & getting out for more pics.
I wasn't sure how to attack such a large cemetery, so I went first for the military section. Then I found out that there were sections for both the Confederate & Union Civil War, Spanish American War, Revolutionary War and WWI & WWII and more recent.
I wonder about the relationships here.
This seemed to be the oldest part of the cemetery - Very few stones, so I bet this is where the unmarked graves are.
In memory of Letha A Miller
Born Aug 29, 193
Died Jan 10, 1906
Asleep in Jesus
Interesting script lettering
I was expecting a child, not someone 42.
This is awesome.
I love the sunrise / sunset
Sad that they lost 2 so close together.
This is a framed photo of Betty Grable, 10-12 feet up on the side of this tree.
This section was laid out in a triangle pattern instead of the orderly rows like most military headstones are.
Bee W. Kirk
Feb 9, 1913
Lost his life in the
performance of duty
Feb 20, 1943
WWII, or something else?
The only 2 zinc stones I saw.
This CSA monument was beautiful!
"'Tis wreathed around
with glory
and 'twill live in
song and story ,
though it's folds are
in the dust."
To the honored memory of
the soldiers
the sailors
the statesmen
of the Confederate Staes
of America
"Time cannot teach
when grief's full heart
is fed by fame."
"The cause for which
he suffered was lost;
The people for whom he
fought were crushed;
The hopes in which he
trusted were shattered;
but his fame, consigned to
the keeping of time, which
happily is not so much
the tomb of virtue as
its shrine.
Shall in the years to
come, fire modest worth
to noble ends."
This monument
shall stand through
the years to come
as our loving tribute
to the
Confederate soldier
ans as a memorial
of his heroic courage,
his unparalleled devotions
and his unselfish
Erected by
Annie Coleman Chapter
No. 225
United Daughters
of the Confederacy
of Orlando, Florida
A.D. 1911
Set at an interesting angle...
darn camera.
I'd never seen a horse carved on a stone before.
Apparently it means courage or generosity.
Also has horses on it.
Jewel May Lewter
May 5, 1909
The front says "Rollins-Sports Hall of Fame"
This one just seemed sad to me.
Luren Geer was Orlando's first professional photographer.
Erected by
L.H. Geer
Husband & father
to the memory of his loved ones.
Sleep precious souls
No more sorrow or pain;
but the one that is left
will be there tomorrow.
Earth has no pleasure
without you to remain
tomorrow has come,
No one to mourn - all is lost in sorrow
I am now in the bourne - I promised tomorrow.
In memory of
Mrs. R (Rosetta Hall) Geer
Wife of L.H. Geer
Died July 28, 1900
Age 70 years
A good wife and mother
and only known to be loved,
her brush work still lives.
In memory of
L.H. Geer
Died march 23, 1903
Aged 75 years
no one to mourn
no one to caress
no one to own
no life, let me rest
let me rest.
In memory of
Miss Lillie Geer
Daughter of
L.H. Geer
Dies May 8, 1901
Age 46 years
I want to be laid nest to Ma - Lillie.
In life unassuming,
In her death, all is lost - Pa.
Another wood one, but without a plaque with a name.
The trees dripping in Spanish moss were magnificent!
Close up of their wedding picture - beautiful!
I look up to the sky
I look high up, so high I can fly, where to angels
can fly, where my heart can flee, where my
heart can sing, to listen to the heavens
speak, just a whisper, i can hear with me, I
can feel muy live, can breath ignore the
world a in darkness tries to tear us
apart. Hold me tight I'll catch you
when I fall, I will never let you down
i will hold ou tight so I won't lose
you in heaven's peak beacuase I'll
never let you go beause you
are all my heart c an keep
you are my angel, my darling
angel for forever to keep
written by
Jorge Gutierrez (this is on his stone)
I may or may not have walked around this very small section with tears rolling down my cheeks.
One of the prettiest stones I've ever seen!
It was enormous & just glowed in the sunlight.
Kristine & Patty Lou are listed as her daughters (as I suspected before doing any research), but no mention of who Karen might be, other than probably still alive.
Another stunning tree (thru the windshield)
I've never seen a Chinese (?) tomb before.
She was life-sized.
The stones weren't lined up very straight.

Gratuitous palm tree photo since it's not something *I* get to see all the time!

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