December 05, 2017

Creepmas Day 5 ?!?!?!

OMG - day 5???? 
I swear I just blinked and BAM.

What has Chuck been up to?
 Putting up the Christmas tree!

We got a new one last year after there was an incident involving
the elderly tree + a furry grey ornament.....
aka Maddie
(she was not proven guilty since we weren't at home when the tree felling happened....
but she's the #1 suspect)

 Nooo..... I don't think the fam will like that, Chuck!
Fluff those branches!
Aawww -it's so little & cute! 
Sure doesn't look like the picture of the tree on the box, tho....
it's not my idea of 6 feet tall, either!
I do like the color better than the old grayish green one.

Now we'll give the cats a chance to check it out before decorating. 
We'll do that tomorrow! sure won't take many ornaments to fill it up!
 very funny lol GIF


1 comment:

  1. I kind of like Chuck’s idea, leaving the tree in the box would sure save a lot time. Yeah, my family wouldn't go for that either.


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