February 27, 2015

Possible future project.....

It had been a while, but we stopped in one of the local Salvation Armies earlier this week and I found some more pieces for my Halloween village. 

Right now I'm pretty happy with the wide assortment of pieces I have.  But I can't help but wonder if I could maybe hit each piece with black matte spray paint and redo the details?

That would make them more matchy-matchy but the amount of detail on these things is insane!!  I don't know if I'd want to start a project of this magnitude and then come to find out I don't like it...or worse yet - the spray paint & acrylics don't like each other and it turns out looking like crap?   Although the one in the top photo is pretty hideous right now. 

Has anyone out there tried repainting ceramic / porcelain things ??   


  1. I've never had any problem spray painting ceramics or had a reaction between spray paint and acrylics. Maybe pick your least favorite item, the one you'd be okay with messing up on, and try it first. If I lived anywhere close to you, I'd volunteer to help out. :(

    1. Thanks! I think (if it ever gets warm out) I'll try it out on that first one - not thrilled with that whole look. It's like Hansel & Gretel's cottage got taken over.

    2. I can't figure out what the blue thing behind the skeleton is supposed to be. A gravestone? But then why isn't it grey? A bush? Then why isn't it green?

    3. I'm thinking maybe a very stylish coffin.
      Yeah, there's just too many happy colors on this.

  2. Could just do the flat black and dry brush white to pop all those details. Maybe fine brush white for any details you want to enhance. They are very colorful but lot of people like that look at Halloween.

    1. Most of my village pieces are pretty colorful and I like them. Which is why I'm sort of afraid to mess with any except that cottage. That cottage really bugs me.

  3. great finds. Just do it!!!! : ) Stay warm.


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