March 20, 2021

It's Spring!!!

Hey!  It's been a while!  Whatcha been up to?

It's been kinda quiet on the Halloween front here.  Life, ya know. 
The Spouse was out of state from the day after Christmas until the end of January so I got to do some arts & crafts!  I painted this group of little nutcrackers to be zombies. 
My search & rescue team got called out to assist another team in a search in early January.  A bunch of us met & carpooled since the search was 3 hours away.  One of the ladies on the team saw Chuck in my front seat and asked if he could come along with us!  Here he is chilling on the bed in the hotel with my handheld radio. 
Hmmmm Shamrock Shake!
My niece got married on March 6 - Chuck and his girlfriend Glenda took advantage of some photo ops.
I love this tree that I pass going to work.
I hadn't gone much planning about this year's "theme" for the cemetery - but when I saw this funeral car flag on the side of the road going into work one day, I had to stop and get it - and the ideas came flooding in - a funeral, duh!!

Since today is the first day of spring, Chuck went to check out what is growing in the yard....
Sunny & 60*?  Yes, please!
There are sprouts on the rose in the yard!
Lilac buds!
Hyacinths & tulips have a good start. 
A cute little random crocus in the lawn.
Even the Lenten Rose is making an appearance!

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