My family enjoys hanging out with Chuck. When I asked my sister what I needed to bring out for our annual 3-generation St. Pat's Weekend, she said I ~had~ to bring him! Especially once she saw I had already gotten him a special outfit for the occasion.
FYI, a 0-3 month baby onesie fits a 3' skeleton almost perfectly!
This will open a whole new world of fashion for Chuck!

Chester is a fan.

Who has bigger eyes?
Buckle up for safety!
Everyone else was wearing bling, so Chuck had to also!
Woot! A stop at Tractor Supply!
We went out Saturday night & it really bugs me when random people are like "didn't you miss St. Patrick's Day?" Back off jerkface, it was only yesterday. We all had to work. People did it last year when St. Pats fell on a Thursday & we went out the weekend before. "Aren't you early?" Grrrr. **throat punch**
Anyhoo. Dinner at Lucky's Steakhouse!
Green beer for all!
We had a corner table so he chilled on the back of the bench while we ate.
Then back to Aunt Laurie's to take care of the horses!
Captain says hi!
Kisses says hi!
Checking out the cat cave.
Watching over the barn while we took care of the horses.
He's not much help in that department.
Dressed up for Sunday breakfast.
Om nom nom nom!
MmMmMm bacon.
We did some more shopping Sunday before going home, but Chuck didn't go in there with me. Past Tense in Lapeer has an upper floor that's all Halloween goodness and I didn't want him to want to stay there!
I did find some pretty cool stuff. The man who worked there told me that they get their new Halloween stuff in around mid-August and this year I an gonna try to make it to their special after-hours sale. He said they're expecting a lot of galvanized steel JOLs and such. Interesting!
Love these steampunk-ish JOLs.
The red is actually a reflection off my lounge pants.
This is my prize, tho! It's wrought iron & really pretty crystals.
One of the arms is partially broken off, but I can work around that.
And it was only $38!! I'm thinking it'll look pretty sweet hanging in one of the trees over the cemetery with some battery-op candles.....
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