December 11, 2017

Creepmas Day 11

 Chuck's got some new duds for the holidays!
Ghouls go crazy for a sharp dressed man!
 Daisy isn't too impressed.
So here we go - let's see how Rusty does with the decorated tree!
Ornaments were carefully chosen to be of the unbreakable variety, which means a lot of my favorites stayed in the tote.  Boooo!


December 08, 2017

Creepmas Day 8

This is pretty much summing up how I feel about the holidays this year!!
Rusty is appreciating the tree box!
So some Grinch swiped the tree lights sometime in the last 11 months!
The garland we used last year was in a tote and the lights ~should~ have been in there, too. 
Nope.  Not in with the outdoor lights, either.
I was ready to use the purple/green/orange LEDs from the cemetery, but even 2 of 3 strands were half burned out!!  WTF, man!
So I had to go buy new lights.  That's the surest way to get the old ones to show back up!
 Speaking of outdoor lights - I was told the windows look like eyeballs & the trees look like fangs.
Oh well!  Maybe I should hang a wreath in the door so there's a nose, too!

Can you pick out who Asshole Santa is this year?  
The bulb is perfectly fine, but it keeps loosening somehow.  
Its a mystery!

December 05, 2017

Creepmas Day 5 ?!?!?!

OMG - day 5???? 
I swear I just blinked and BAM.

What has Chuck been up to?
 Putting up the Christmas tree!

We got a new one last year after there was an incident involving
the elderly tree + a furry grey ornament.....
aka Maddie
(she was not proven guilty since we weren't at home when the tree felling happened....
but she's the #1 suspect)

 Nooo..... I don't think the fam will like that, Chuck!
Fluff those branches!
Aawww -it's so little & cute! 
Sure doesn't look like the picture of the tree on the box, tho....
it's not my idea of 6 feet tall, either!
I do like the color better than the old grayish green one.

Now we'll give the cats a chance to check it out before decorating. 
We'll do that tomorrow! sure won't take many ornaments to fill it up!
 very funny lol GIF


November 26, 2017

Creepmas is coming!!

I'm a CREEP for The 13 Days of CREEPMAS

That time of year is coming!

"The 13 Days of Creepmas is an online Celebration of Seasonal Spookiness from December 1 - 13. The idea is to bring a macabre twist to Christmas and the holidays."

If you're not done with Halloween for the year yet, join in on the fun!!! 
Even I don't know what kind of shenanigans Chuck is going to get himself into! 

Need to know more?  Read What is Creepmas?


November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!


In all seriousness, I'm thankful for many things! 
Hope you have a wonderful day!


November 12, 2017

October Wrap Up (finally)

So I consider Halloween a success!  
The weather ended up being pretty close to perfect - it was cool but dry and the damn wind died down so it was decent sitting out in the driveway even without the fire pit.
I got about 40 kids, including one reverse trick or treat (Randy brought me home a Zombie Killer cider and made me say the magic words for it) and one repeat.  The first time this girl / bunny stopped by was with her mom, the second time she was with her cousin and announced the fact.  So I made sure to give her something different that time around.   My favorite costume(s) were a young couple and their adorable baby girl.  Mom was wearing baby in a front-facing carrier and wrapped in a box painted like a podium with a Presidential Seal on it.  Mom & Dad were her Secret Service men!  They had on black suits, sunglasses & earpieces!  So stinkin' cleaver & cute!  Another cutie was about a 2 year old Mini Mouse who came running up the driveway, just giggling like crazy! 

I also found it entertaining when parents tried to get their kids to stand in front of the (skeleton) pony for a picture and the kid would stand and look at the cemetery, probably looking for....
Image result for pony images
(real) PONY
and not seeing it!
One kid flat out told his mom NO when she tried to get him to stand in the walkway to the front door so she could take a pic.  He wasn't having it!
happy shirley temple GIF
So 40 seems to be about the average number of kids for the last couple years, considering how many live in the neighborhood.  And probably 2/3 were little ones. I imagine the lack of porch lights / street lights / sidewalks on my street are probably contributing factors to them going elsewhere.  I was also somewhat disappointed when I drove around and saw very few houses with as much as a string of orange lights up!  I saw only 5 other houses that put an admirable amount of effort into their yards.  More had a few decorations and/or lights.  But the vast majority....nada.   I get that Halloween isn't everybody's thing, but it was sad nonetheless.
I have to give a shout out to my darling spouse who willingly offered up (for the 3rd year in a row) to take November 1 off work and help me disassemble the cemetery and put it away!  He's amazing & I couldn't do it without all his help!  MUAH!
So by the time the neighbors were coming from from work & school - this is what they saw.   Pooof!  Magical.  
Chuck & Jack supervised clean up efforts and even helped out a little bit by raking the lawn where the coffin had been sitting. 
Chuck also conducted the annual debriefing. 

Oh, hey - someone on one of the many H'ween pages I follow on FB posted this awesome link to on how to make skeleton repairs and how to get them to stand!!  I'm happy with my fence posts & zipties making mine stand, but the repair info is pretty interesting & I might be using some this new knowledge before next year. 

Speaking of next year...  it'll be Maple Grove's 10 year anniversary!  
I've already got a loose idea of what I plan to do with my skeleton army!  I'm thinking of something along the lines of ~them~ trick or treating!  
And I've had plans for several years on how to get a skeleton to move, so maybe I'll finally do that, too. 

I've already posted this on my Facebook page, but here it is again!
The official 2017 Halloween video